Ok, In other topic I mentioned, that I was on training about self-branding and now I'm thinking: Why the hell not to write some interesting stuffs here?
If you are not interested in some theory
skip right to the training.
Most of you probably never heard about self-branding. So firstly, what is the self-branding? It is a thing. That... Helping you out on your life way!
It is a key to being successfull and popular person. It is... nothing. And everything!
Sounds strange isn't it?
Let's look at it roots.
Before making a training, I want you to understand definition of word
What is the
Brand? Anyone know what is Mercedes, Apple, Lacoste? YEAA! Because. You say Mercedes and you already've got image in your head. Your brain did it for you. Your instincts and subconscious put image in your head, based on the impressions and attitude toward this subject.
SO: Brand - this is how people define subject in their subconscious. But not only giant corporations, workshops, parfume can have brand. Nope. EACH PERSON HAVE IT! That's happening because we live in socium. We speak, communicate, act, fail, win, lay in the sexy pose on the bed and etc. - each action and not necessarily action have own consequences and making our brand, or let's say "look" in eyes of other people.
Each of you able to build his own brand in social life.
Do you think "Naaaah, how can we affect minds of other people?!" But I'm telling you: WE CAN! In your usual life you dont care about it and simpy letting your brand drift in a random direction, it is like ship without a captain, going with the stream.
So I want to teach you some simple training:
Ok, let's start from getting a paper sheet and a pencil.
Found it? Good job.
Now let's make a 3 rows with 10 or more punkts.
In a first one - write there what people thinking about you. Your merits, pluses and minuses, that people finding in you.
Like this.(I will some write in russian, cuz it's late, I'm tired and I'm just taking out from my own test, lazy to translate some words )
What people are thinking about me
1)Good guy
2)He loves to read
5)Любит девушек
7)Любит движуху
Хороший Оратор
9)Может креативить
Ok we are done with it. Ofc, you can write as many as you want, no restrictions here.
Let's make step two:
Now write second column and write ONLY pluses about yourself. That's easy to write good stuffs about yourself, yeah baby. :D
What is good in me:
1)Good guy
2)I love to read
7)В меру эгоистичен
Классно болтаю
9)Люблю работать
Ok we are done. GJ
Let's fill he last one:
Write there your talents, that can bring you success in your life.
My buisness talents:
1)Good in selling potatoes
2)Good in finding new resources of potatoe
3)Graduated popatoe specialist
4)Талантливый лидер
6)Организаторские навыки
7)знаю несколько языков
Умею чувствовать желания других
9)etc I'm sleeppy, fuck!
Ok now we've got 3 columns and some of your characteristic might be equal. That's awesome - that mean you already have some personal qualities, that people know and respect. So use it! And improve other edges of your person. How? Noone will tell you, except yourself. Try and see. Start from simple: Let the world know, that you are awesome writer or cool actress or whatever! Dont afraid to show yourself. Look at me, I'm cool, fuck yeah.
What is the point of being genius in mechanic, but noone will know?! Tell me! No sense in that! So Come on, use your talents on full power and become successfull in this life. It's your chance right now.
Thanks for reading, if you did it and found something, then my jobe is done.